Where are they now? ‘The Recycle Man of India’ Dr Binish Desai Forbes 30 under 30 Asia social entrepreneur & founder of Eco-Eclectic on creating environmentally-friendly solutions to various problems.
‘Nothing is useless in this world. What can be a waste to you is someone’s asset’ — The ‘Recycle man of India’ aka Dr Binish Desai, social entrepreneur & founder of Eco-Eclectic .
I spoke to him back in February 2019 (Ep 106) and he is back again to talk about inventing a new type of brick made from recycled PPE material. He talks about creating a female empowerment centre for former sex workers. He then talks about building low cost homes using 3D technology, talks about trust issues after getting ripped off by a business partner. The pillars of success and what we can expect in 2021. And why you should start identifying waste as an asset.
In this conversation we also talk about:
- Observe — fail — Learn — Solve framework.
- Creating Eco Bins
- The process of converting PPE into bricks..Brick 2.0!
- Creating affordable housing in the USA, Philippines & india, & Africa
- The Recycle man — the book
- What did he learn about himself during the pandemic
- Making jewellery & crockery out of coffee waste
- Carrying 2 bricks around wherever he goes
- Stop using single use coffee mugs!
- Expanding globally
- Trying to create the world’s first recyclable house.
- 3D printing of the entire home.
- Coming from a family of social entrepreneurs.
and much more
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music by Punch Deck. https://open.spotify.com/artist/7kdduxAVaFnbHJyNxl7FWV