Pankaj Raut CEO & Co-founder of AjnaLens on building Augmenting Human Intelligence with AI-Powered Mixed Reality Glasses
Building India’s first home-grown AR headset. Today my guest is Pankaj Raut the co-founder & ceo of AjnaLens. AjnaLens designs & manufactures AI-powered mixed-reality glasses for defence , education and enterprise customers.
He talks about it all got started by being inspired watching James Bond movies. He talks about how the product helps the Indian armed forces & talks about design and development process. He talks about VC funding, future trends & opportunities.
He gives us his thoughts on the AR/VR startup community in india. Thoughts on Google glasses 10 years on and dealing with the competition. And finally he talks about leaving India at the age 17 to go study in London. Meeting his co-founders at Google startup weekend. Seeing his first hologram and being inside a tank!
In this conversation we also talk about:
- Building the first prototype
- Challenges in the AR/VR market
- What will VR/AR devices look like in the future.
- Getting a scholarship to go London
- Where the names comes from.
- Common mistakes AR/VR startups make.
- Meeting people with the right synergies.
- How he resolves differences of opinion with his co-founders
- Advice for first time founders — take 2 steps back!
and much more!
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music by Punch Deck.