On a mission to make lifelong readers out of children — Dalbir Kaur Madan founder of OneUp Library.
Nothing gratifies the soul than a good read! Today I speak to Dalbir Kaur Madan — The founder of One Up Library a unique entrepreneurial venture that aims to revitalize the idea of traditional libraries into inviting child-centered learning space designed for the 21st century child.
In this episode she talks about how it was a difficult concept to sell in the early days. You will learn how she builds a community. She talks about the business model. Talks about getting kids off smartphones and getting them to read 150 books a year.
How reading Malcolm Gladwell helps her with the business strategy. Great book recommendations so check the show notes for more details. Some Harry Potter chat and some surprising research & data on why you should read out loud to you kids.
In this conversation we also talk about:
- The 10,000 hours rule
— Why most people stop reading after they leave school
— Thoughts on audio books
— Reading is like breathing in & writing is like breathing out
— Why is Harry Potter so popular?
— Challenges need to be solved instead of weighing you down!
— How to raise a reader
and much more
Book Recommendations
- The Bridge Home by Padma Venkatraman
— Maccher Jhol — Richa jhu
— The Night Diary by Veera Hiranandani
— Theres a Giraffe in my soup by Ross Burach
— Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
— Outliers by Malcolm Galdwell
— The Moment of Life — Melinda Gates
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